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Sep 23
Newsroom Safety Across America: DC
Ahead of a contentious election cycle, IWMF’s “Newsroom Safety Across America” initiative is bringing the its groundbreaking journalism safety training to local newsrooms across the United States. Starting in key swing states likely to receive heightened attention in 2024, trainings will include one- or two-day workshops focused on risk assessment, personal security, legal protection, mental health care, and more. This initiative is part of the IWMF’s multi-year effort to bolster newsrooms’ duty of care to their journalists’ safety. Threats against journalists are proliferating in the U.S.: in 2023, 30 journalists were assaulted in the line of work, and eight were arrested. The country currently ranks 45th on the World Press Freedom Index, down from 32nd just a decade ago. Newsroom Safety Across America, generously supported by Craig Newmark Philanthropies, will equip newsrooms to prepare for, respond to, and recover from threats against their employees and freelancers. The IWMF is also partnering with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which will provide journalists and newsrooms with legal training and resources, including through its Local Legal Initiative and ProJourn programs.
Registerfor Newsroom Safety Across America: DC Past Events
Sep 12
¡Cúbranse! Acceso a información y consejos de seguridad para periodistas comunitarios en estas elecciones
Las redacciones alrededor de los Estados Unidos se encuentran en el proceso de planificación de la cobertura del día de las elecciones de este año. Los medios comunitarios latinos deben tomar precauciones adicionales al desplegar sus reporteros con tal de garantizar su seguridad y obtención de acceso a materiales e información a los que sus audiencias tienen derecho, pero que regularmente necesitan exigir a retazos.
La Iniciativa para Medios Latinos del Centro para los Medios Comunitarios (CCM, por sus siglas en inglés) llevará a cabo una sesión de capacitación en línea de 90 minutos sobre las pautas de seguridad y los derechos de información que reporteros latinos y periodistas comunitarios deben considerar al cubrir un proceso electoral en medio de la actual polarización.
La sesión será en español en colaboración con el programa ProJourn del Comité de Reporteros para la Libertad de Prensa (RCFP, en inglés).
Esta sesión es abierta al público como una capacitación independiente que sirve tanto a directivos y editores como a reporteros y productores. Únase a nosotros en esta sesión con tal de que:
-Aprenda sobre las amenazas y la violencia que afecta a los periodistas comunitarios y reporteros latinos en su trabajo de calle.
-Se oriente sobre cómo obtener información y tomar fotografías en espacios como centros de votación, protestas y manifestaciones
-Obtenga información sobre cómo defender sus derechos cuando reporta desde la calle el día de las elecciones y cómo manejar encuentros con agentes del orden público en las protestas.
-Escuche consejos de seguridad sobre cómo abordar la discriminación y las agresiones de otras personas.
La capacitación se llevará a cabo en línea en español a través de Zoom. El enlace para registrarse se encuentra debajo.
Registerfor ¡Cúbranse! Acceso a información y consejos de seguridad para periodistas comunitarios en estas elecciones La Iniciativa para Medios Latinos del Centro para los Medios Comunitarios (CCM, por sus siglas en inglés) llevará a cabo una sesión de capacitación en línea de 90 minutos sobre las pautas de seguridad y los derechos de información que reporteros latinos y periodistas comunitarios deben considerar al cubrir un proceso electoral en medio de la actual polarización.
La sesión será en español en colaboración con el programa ProJourn del Comité de Reporteros para la Libertad de Prensa (RCFP, en inglés).
Esta sesión es abierta al público como una capacitación independiente que sirve tanto a directivos y editores como a reporteros y productores. Únase a nosotros en esta sesión con tal de que:
-Aprenda sobre las amenazas y la violencia que afecta a los periodistas comunitarios y reporteros latinos en su trabajo de calle.
-Se oriente sobre cómo obtener información y tomar fotografías en espacios como centros de votación, protestas y manifestaciones
-Obtenga información sobre cómo defender sus derechos cuando reporta desde la calle el día de las elecciones y cómo manejar encuentros con agentes del orden público en las protestas.
-Escuche consejos de seguridad sobre cómo abordar la discriminación y las agresiones de otras personas.
La capacitación se llevará a cabo en línea en español a través de Zoom. El enlace para registrarse se encuentra debajo.
Aug 7 – 11
Asian American Journalists Association Convention #AAJA24
The Reporters Committee will hold a session with the IWMF as part of their Newsroom Safety Across America initiative as part of the IWMF’s multi-year effort to bolster newsrooms’ duty of care to their journalists’ safety. Registration for the conference required.
Registerfor Asian American Journalists Association Convention #AAJA24
Jul 24
Newsroom Safety Across America: California
Ahead of a contentious election cycle, IWMF’s “Newsroom Safety Across America” initiative is bringing its groundbreaking journalism safety training to local newsrooms across the United States. Starting in key swing states likely to receive heightened attention in 2024, trainings will include one- or two-day workshops focused on risk assessment, personal security, legal protection, mental health care, and more. This initiative is part of the IWMF’s multi-year effort to bolster newsrooms’ duty of care to their journalists’ safety. Threats against journalists are proliferating in the U.S.: in 2023, 30 journalists were assaulted in the line of work, and eight were arrested. The country currently ranks 45th on the World Press Freedom Index, down from 32nd just a decade ago. Newsroom Safety Across America, generously supported by Craig Newmark Philanthropies, will equip newsrooms to prepare for, respond to, and recover from threats against their employees and freelancers. The IWMF is also partnering with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which will provide journalists and newsrooms with legal training and resources, including through its Local Legal Initiative and ProJourn programs.
Registerfor Newsroom Safety Across America: California
Jul 23
Newsroom Safety Across America: California
Ahead of a contentious election cycle, IWMF’s “Newsroom Safety Across America” initiative is bringing its groundbreaking journalism safety training to local newsrooms across the United States. Starting in key swing states likely to receive heightened attention in 2024, trainings will include one- or two-day workshops focused on risk assessment, personal security, legal protection, mental health care, and more. This initiative is part of the IWMF’s multi-year effort to bolster newsrooms’ duty of care to their journalists’ safety. Threats against journalists are proliferating in the U.S.: in 2023, 30 journalists were assaulted in the line of work, and eight were arrested. The country currently ranks 45th on the World Press Freedom Index, down from 32nd just a decade ago. Newsroom Safety Across America, generously supported by Craig Newmark Philanthropies, will equip newsrooms to prepare for, respond to, and recover from threats against their employees and freelancers. The IWMF is also partnering with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which will provide journalists and newsrooms with legal training and resources, including through its Local Legal Initiative and ProJourn programs.
Jul 9
NAHJ 2024 Convention
ProJourn will be leading a multiple sessions at the National Association of Hispanic Journalists’ 40th Conference in Spanish and in English focusing on reporters’ legal rights.
Registration required
Registerfor NAHJ 2024 Convention
Jun 25 – 26
Newsroom Safety Across America: Illinois
Ahead of a contentious election cycle, our “Newsroom Safety Across America” initiative is bringing the IWMF’s groundbreaking journalism safety training to local newsrooms across the United States. Starting in key swing states likely to receive heightened attention in 2024, trainings will include one- or two-day workshops focused on risk assessment, personal security, legal protection, mental health care, and more. This initiative is part of the IWMF’s multi-year effort to bolster newsrooms’ duty of care to their journalists’ safety. Threats against journalists are proliferating in the U.S.: in 2023, 30 journalists were assaulted in the line of work, and eight were arrested. The country currently ranks 45th on the World Press Freedom Index, down from 32nd just a decade ago.
Newsroom Safety Across America, generously supported by Craig Newmark Philanthropies, will equip newsrooms to prepare for, respond to, and recover from threats against their employees and freelancers.
The IWMF is also partnering with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which will provide journalists and newsrooms with legal training and resources, including through its Local Legal Initiative and ProJourn programs.
Jun 18
Your Legal Guide to Covering Elections: New York
As journalists and news organizations prepare to cover elections at all levels in 2024, understanding reporters’ legal rights and the free legal resources available to support election coverage is essential. This session will discuss journalists’ newsgathering rights when covering elections; issues to consider when reporting at conventions, polling places, or demonstrations; and the range of free resources available through the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and its local partners, including online guides and a Legal Hotline, to help reporters who have legal questions or encounter issues. Attendees will hear from experienced media law attorneys and the Reporters Committee — which has provided pro bono legal support for journalists in every election cycle for the last five decades — and will come away with practical tips and resources that can be shared with their newsrooms.
Registerfor Your Legal Guide to Covering Elections: New York
May 29
IWMF Newsroom Safety Across America – Michigan
Ahead of a contentious election cycle, our “Newsroom Safety Across America” initiative is bringing the IWMF’s groundbreaking journalism safety training to local newsrooms across the United States. Starting in key swing states likely to receive heightened attention in 2024, trainings will include one- or two-day workshops focused on risk assessment, personal security, legal protection, mental health care, and more.
This initiative is part of the IWMF’s multi-year effort to bolster newsrooms’ duty of care to their journalists’ safety. Threats against journalists are proliferating in the U.S.: in 2023, 30 journalists were assaulted in the line of work, and eight were arrested. The country currently ranks 45th on the World Press Freedom Index, down from 32nd just a decade ago.
Newsroom Safety Across America, generously supported by Craig Newmark Philanthropies, will equip newsrooms to prepare for, respond to, and recover from threats against their employees and freelancers.
To express interest in bringing a workshop to your newsroom or news organization, please fill out the interest form below.
The IWMF is also partnering with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, which will provide journalists and newsrooms with legal training and resources, including through its Local Legal Initiative and ProJourn programs.
Registerfor IWMF Newsroom Safety Across America – Michigan
Nov 15
ProJourn Legal Workshop Series: The issues of access and transparency
Marque sus calendarios para nuestros tres talleres legales que se centrarán en los temas legales más críticos que enfrentan los periodistas.
El tercer y último taller el 15 de nov. ofrece a los periodistas una visión general de los temas de acceso y transparencia, incluidos los registros públicos, las reuniones abiertas, y la cámara corporal.
Los tallares serán presentados por Erin Morrissey Victoria, Counsel, Caplan Cobb y Patricia Peña, Abogada, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP.
Registerfor ProJourn Legal Workshop Series: The issues of access and transparency
Oct 18
ProJourn Legal Workshop Series: The rights of journalists when collecting news (Spanish)
Please note: This event is for INN members only. Not yet a member of INN? Explore membership.
Marque sus calendarios para nuestros tres talleres legales que se centrarán en los temas legales más críticos que enfrentan los periodistas.
La serie comienza el 18 de oct. con una sesión sobre recopilación de noticias, durante la cual los participantes aprenderán sobre la legalidad de la grabación en público, las consideraciones para cubrir elecciones, protestas, y más.
Los tallares serán presentados por Erin Morrissey Victoria, Counsel, Caplan Cobb y Patricia Peña, Abogada, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP.
Registerfor ProJourn Legal Workshop Series: The rights of journalists when collecting news (Spanish)